mardi 2 juin 2009

In the quest of awesomeness?

3. Eating to Be Awesome: Nutrition strategies for top Brain Performance

Friday, June 5 | 12:00 – 1:00 PM | Center for Student Services, 2nd floor Common Area

Want to improve your memory, mood, concentration, focus and mental energy? A few smart nutrition tricks can make a big difference. Jill Brook (M.A., local nutritionist and owner of Diet for Health) will advise us on eating habits for top mental energy and performance. You may have seen her on The Today Show, KCAL-9 or VH1, sharing her “Strategies for Smarts!”

Free lunch for the first 25 people. Sponsored by Health Education. Questions? Contact Wendy Lopata, Health Educator,, x2961.

-mail reçu de "linternational Student Program " de Caltech. Je leur dis merci.

J'ai pris soin de laisser les détails pratiques (horaires, contact) parce que je sais que l'un des guignols du mardi matin sera intéressé. Je soupçonne Adri de se ramener.. (quand on va dans des vitamin shop)


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